Gronk Fantasy Football Impact 2020
April 21, 2020
Fantasy Football 2020 | 3 WR’s to Target in Mid-Rounds
April 22, 2020
Gronk Fantasy Football Impact 2020
April 21, 2020
Fantasy Football 2020 | 3 WR’s to Target in Mid-Rounds
April 22, 2020

NFL Draft 2020 Predictions and Preview | 1st Round Discussion

NFL Draft 2020 predictions and open discussion with the Counselor and Tom Santanello. Mainly covering the 1st round and some fantasy football relevance to the draft.

Make sure you are subscribed to this #1 fantasy football podcast to dominate your leagues year-round.

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Joseph Robert
Joseph Robert
Joseph Robert's outside of the box, LION mentality has created the strongest and most loyal fan base in the fantasy football industry! @fantasyfootballcounselor